Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Trossingen New Harmonica Museum

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Our old Harmonica and Accordion Museum will be closed definitely Sunday November 29th 2015.
The new one at the new place Bau V in the former Hohner plant will be opened at the end of April (maybe early May) 2016. "Please cross fingers" Martin Häfner dixit...
We will have a "last hurrah" in the old museum's building on Sunday Nov. 29th with master harmonica maker Günther Bayer and some live music. Just before the old museum opens the last time (1.30 p. m.) a come together in our new rooms with flea market and information around the museum's project. (11.00 a. m.)
The evening before, Saturday Nov. 28., 7.00 p.m., we'll have a very special concert for the benefit of our new permanent exhibition: Walter Buchinger (Austria) and Rainer Schubert (Germany) will play with a team of 25 musicians a Chordomonica Concert to celebrate "50 years Chordomonica" and two more anniversaries. 50 years harmonica in outer space (Dec. 16 1965) and the 50th anniversary of Director Ernst Hohner's death (the famous grandson of founder M. Hohner who died on October 16th 1965).
If you cannot join the good bye events end of November 2015, come to visit the new museum and our many events next year.
We hope for donations of fans and enthusiasts worldwide to get the missing equipment and to be able to re-finance the high costs of this new "Mecca" for harmonica/accordion-history interested people.
Springtime 2016, when the opening date is fixed, we will have a big ad. campaign. I'll keep you updated.
Best regards (I'm glad to see some of you these days at the Harmonica Masters Workshops in Trossingen)
Martin Hâffner
Director German Harmonica and Accordion Museum
Photo c/o Hohner Trossingen
Published November 10th 2015


Copyright © Jean Labre 2005-25 - Updated on February 8th 2025 -