Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Freddy Della at the Petit Journal on September 5, 2006

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Freddy is an harmonicist specialist of " one man shows ", in France. He usually gives more than a hundred concerts a year, those concerts being explosive cocktails mixing country music, blues and variety. And all well organized by an efficient logistic team.
Gifted harmonica player (diatonic and chromatic) he is also a talented singer, drummer and presenter, Freddy Della has all necessary qualities to run a one man show.
This time, it will be at the Petit Journal Montparnasse, on September the 5th with his Conchoux Garrio's Band, with Isabelle Graf at the keyboard, guitar Dominique Garriot, violin Thierry Lecoq, drums Christophe (and also Freddy), bass Patrick Conchoux ; vocals : Babette Lecompte, Isabelle Graf, Irène Russel and Freddy Della.
More information :

Photo : Freddy Della
Published August 22nd 2006


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