Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Autumn leaves...
Autumn leaves... the wind is brushing them over the web. This is a good sign announcing an intense activity in the harmonicist world, for the end of this year 2006.
Being seven months old, our site is very happy of the numerous visits from people from everywhere in the world : people from 61 different countries.
Thank you very much for your friendship and encouragement. We've noted your suggestions and will give them our best attention.
During those last , three months you'll find here new instrumental and technical articles, more news and also articles on basic problems.
"L'Automne est un andante mélancolique et gracieux qui prépare admirablement le solennel adagio de l'hiver." George Sand said it so well.

Yours sincerely.

J. Labre
Published October 4th 2006


Copyright © Jean Labre 2005-24 - Updated on October 22nd 2024 -