Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Trossingen World Harmonica Festival (WHF) 2009*

Click to see enlarged image.

The next World Harmonica Festival 2009 will take place, as usual, in the mythical town of Trossingen (Germany), from the 28th of October to the 1st of November. Organized by the F.I.H. (Federation Internationale de l'Harmonica), this event is sponsorized by Hohner S.A. and the city of Trossingen.
Apart from the traditional evening concerts, workshops, open stages, etc., the WHF includes the Harmonica World Championships*(1).

Registration process :
The World Harmonica Festival offers to visitors and competitors the opportunity to put together their own individual festival program. To do this, request the official registration form to the organization team.
E-mail : ,
precizing if you are visitor or competitor. Registration forms can also be sent by post if desired. Please fill out the form completely and send it by post or fax to the following address :

World Harmonica Festival 2009
Postfach 1250
D-78647 Trossingen Germany
Fax : 0049(0)7425/20444 E-mail :

If you have any question please contact the festival organization team at our e-mail.

The competition includes 12 categories :
Category 1 : Solo chromatic (own choice piece, maw. 8 minutes).
Category 2 : Solo chromatic with test piece*(2) (own choice piece, max. 8 min.)
Category 3 : Solo chromatic jazz (own choice piece max. 8 min.)
Playback accompaniement is permitted (audio CD, without harmonica)
Category 4 : Solo diatonic, Blues/Rock/Folk/Country (own choice piece max 6 min)
Category 5 : Solo diatonic Jazz/Melodies (own choice piece, max.6 min)
Category 6 : Solo tremolo/octave (own choice piece, max 6 min)
Category 7 : Duos (2 harmonica players, own choice piece, max. 8 min)
Category 8 : Trios (chromatic, bass, chord harmonica, own choice, max. 8 min.)
Category 9 : Groups (4-11 players, own choice piece, max. 8 min.)
Category 10 : Harmonica Orchestras (at least 12 harmonica players, possibly accompanied by other instruments such as guitar, piano, etc. own choice piece max. 12 min)
Category 11 : School Orchestras (at least 12 harmonica players aged 16 years or younger, possibly accompanied by other instruments, own choice piece, (max. 12 min)
Category 12 : Open categorie, any given combination however : at least one harmonica (lead instrument). (own choice peace, max.12 min).

The test piece "Flashback" (composer Marcello Parolini) can be ordered now. Please send an e-mail to our organization team. The price is 20 euros , mail included, you have to pay by international money transfer.

*See Historical's World Championships: article
Listing of the french and foreigners worldships'competitors :

Photo FIH
Published September 7th 2009


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