Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Automn rendez-vous in the Black Forest
Back in the past... We are in the heart of this legendary forest at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
A family is having its daily dinner when a peddler knocks at the door ; his high figure stands out against the entrance framework, holding a solid stick in his hand, carrying a huge wicker basket on his back, he proclaims : "God bless this house", instantly the father answers by the traditional saying : "God bless you, come in and bring us happiness".
That's how the magic link was tied between peddlers carrying the smallest instrument in the world and the people eager to discover fresh news and discoveries.
Let's pay tribute to these peddlers coming from Germany, France and everywhere, who arrived later in USA coming from Europe, harmonicas in their pockets which were welcomed with enthousiasm by people of this new world.
The beginning of the industrial revolution cared for the rest, with the instigation of Hohner and some others (see my article :
In the city of Trossingen, in Löwenstrasse, there is a Museum of Harmonica, unique in the world, in which is recounted the story of our instrument, a 150 years old adventure and Martin Häffner, the museum director, takes care of the collections and is permanently attentive to our harmonica planet events.
By the end of October, if you'll have the opportunity to go for a walk in Löwenstrasse, in Trossingen, don't hesitate to pay a visit to this wonderful place.
I invite you to take your walking stick and come to this Black Forest rendez-vous, this friendship jamboree at the 2009 FIH Harmonica Festival (The News section). Enjoy this event which happens, unfortunately, only every four years.

Harmonically yours
Jean Labre
Published October 15th 2009


Copyright © Jean Labre 2005-25 - Updated on February 8th 2025 -