Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Trossingen - Let save the "Bau V"

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The Situation :
During the last 20 years, nearly all the large production buildings of the world renowned companies Messner, Weiss, Koch and Hohner have been demolished, after an existence of 140 years. To-day the only remaining building which reminds us of the peak of the harmonica world industry, is in danger of being destroyed : the "Bau V" in the Hohner factory. This unique stone witness to the history of Hohner can no longer be retained by it's current owner, the town of Trossingen.
The rescue plan :
To save this building, Martin Häffner, manager of the Harmonica Museum in Trossingen, is proposing to create a Foundation.
The Goal of the German Harmonica Museum and of many harmonica friends around the world is to save the "Bau V" and to use a part of it, if possible an entire storey, for the harmonica scene of today and tomorrow. The "Harmonikawelt Bau V" project will belong to the foundation, that will ensure the retention of the largest remaining harmonica factory building.
The benefits for the harmonica world are obvious. During the gradual renovation, the "Harmonica-Floor" will be used for :
-special exhibitions organized by the Harmonica Museum ;
-presentation from external institutions and people ;
-lectures, meetings and performances from harmonicas players ;
-an harmonica and accordion library ;
-a "Club Room", meeting and recreation spot for the worldwide harmonicas friends ;
-a"Hall of Fame" with a large memorial tablet where the names of famous musicians and of all patrons of the "Bau V" project (your name will be immortalised for a donation of 50 euros) will appear.
What to do :
The share certificates are on sale since the 1st of November 2005. Further donations for the foundation will also be collected. By the buying and securing of "Bau V", by the end of 2006, the first stage of our aims will be reached.
The current position and development of the project can be followed on this homepage : .
For more information e-mail address : .
Address : Harmonica Museum, "Harmonicawelt Bau V", Löwenstrasse 11
78647 Trossingen Germany.
Photos German harmonika museum Trossingen.
Published April 7th 2006


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