Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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Harmonica Method - Pierre Couteau

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This new educational book has the credit to tackle the teaching of the three basic instruments composing traditional harmonica bands, which are : chromatic, bass and chord/polyphonia.
Everything is clear and well explained.
Who is Pierre Couteau ? To get acquainted to him, let's go back in time. Everything is beginning in the sixties when Pierre wins, as chromatic soloist, the Delft world Championships (Holland), 1965, with his Trio "Les Trois de l'Harmonica". Then the trio played at concerts in France and Europe until 1985. Nowadays Pierre is oboe soloist in the Bordeaux City Philharmonic Orchestra ; he also is the soul of "Harmonica 17 Orchestra", rewarded for its performances in the last two World Championships in Trossingen.
This book is a reminder of Al Smith teaching publications (USA, beginning of the nineties : "Easy Trio & quartet Harmonica Arrangements"and "Chugger's Manual for Chord Harmonica").
If you are interested in Pierre Couteau's method,(available in French only), please contact him directly and send your order to : Pierre Couteau, residence "Baie St. Paul", 43 chemin dde la Maison Rouge, 17500 Jonzac, France.
Info : Tel : (33) 5 46 48 24 49
Price : 37 euros (mailing included) payable by international money order.
Pierre doesn't speak English so, for more information, please contact our mail box on
Photo : Book cover
Published October 4th 2006


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